Wednesday 27 November 2019


All recent versions of the tool after V4 proposes live code queries and code rules through LINQ queries. NDepend day trial To help us improve our service, what role do you currently fulfill? Both the number of pieces of software in existence and our dependence on that software are growing by the day, resulting in an absolute explosion in the complexity of the code that runs our lives. Smart Technical Debt Estimation Focus On Recent Changes Quality Quality Gate Integration and Reporting Fast Code Visualization Benefits NDepend is the only Visual Studio extension that is able to tell the developer that over the past hour, the code just written has introduced debt that would cost for example about 30 minutes should it have to be repaid later. The static one is performed without actually executing the code. ndepend tool

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Having a measurable representation of the quality of your code is great, and NDepend has features for this purpose.

ndepend tool

This is one of the main innovations of NDepend. Then you need to attach a new NDepend project. It affects how easy it is to maintain the code, understand it add new features, and of course, code quality has a significant impact on software quality.

Product Features

Queries and Rules Edit. Architects can anticipate the impact of code changes. Out of the box, ndwpend can show you mistakes, potential problems and code smells. Such analysis can also be performed as part of a code review.

ndepend tool

You have to live with the code base you have. Quality gates ndeped be passed or failed, or a warning result is output. Because it will take time and you might be inaccurate. You were shocked that ctor with 10 parameters appears as bad code or that you pass 10 parameters to ctor?

There is no shortage of tools out there that you can use to reveal a few tidbits about your code: For big projects the situation is quite different — the graph is huge and pretty confusing and, indisputably, it is hard to show a complex big project structure as a small clear graph.

Yeah, I was shocked that I did that: The process of creating is pretty standard and simple: Except this, you also need someone who can review the results of analyzing and decide what should be done when problems are found.

Improve your .NET code quality with NDepend

This field should be left blank. Retrieved from " https: Then we can go inside by double clicking to see places in the code that applies.

It cannot be made easier to customize and create your own rules.

ndepend tool

I was sure toool code is really good. Subscribe to get informed about new content on the blog! Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho St, Kyiv, Ukraine. The dashboard that the extension greets you with is full of information, exactly what you need for a quick overview. A license email with your license key. The interface is pretty simple and reminds interface of Visual Studio.

Also writing tests for it might be challenging. Your email address will not be published. See how perpetual fallback license works depending on the number of years of subscription:. Since we review the standalone program, we need tiol create a new NDepend project. Here are a few common things to consider when deciding which tool is right for you: Let us summarize all the discussed in the article. Explore code coverage by tests of your application with ndepend: Tools to Increase Code Quality:

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